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Network Policy Submissions

The National EDO Network is involved in numerous environmental policy initiatives. It is constantly reviewing existing laws in order to identify deficiencies and promote environmentally friendly law reform. It makes frequent submissions to governments on regulatory developments

Papers listed below without links are available on request from the EDO NSW

For policy and law reform work of the State and Territory EDOs, visit the policy page of each office.


Commonwealth environment laws and policy

NEW! Submission on Draft ACT/Commonwealth Government Bilateral Approval Agreement
12 September 2014
[PDF 459 KB]

Submission to the statutory review of the Water Act 2007 (Cth)
9 July 2014
[PDF 242 KB]

Submission on the Competition Policy Review Issues Paper, 14 April 2014
20 June 2014
[PDF 361 KB]

Submission on NSW - Commonwealth Approval Bilateral Agreement (delegating EPBC Act approval powers)
13 June 2014
[PDF 714 KB]

Submission on QLD - Commonwealth Approval Bilateral Agreement (delegating EPBC Act approval powers)
13 June 2014
[PDF 638 KB]

Northern Territory Bilateral Agreement
6 May 2014
[PDF 290 KB]

Response to Draft Terms of Reference for a Threatened Species Commissioner (Commonwealth)
17 April 2014
[PDF 367 KB]

Submission to the Inquiry into Environmental Offsets
4 April 2014
[PDF 544 KB]

House of Representatives inquiry into streamlining environmental regulation, 'green tape' and 'one stop shops' for environmental assessments and approvals
April 2014
[PDF 386 KB]

Submission on South Australian Assessment Bilateral Agreement (delegating federal EPBC Act powers)
16 March 2014
[PDF 241 KB]

Submission to the Joint Select Committee on Northern Australia - Inquiry into the Development of Northern Australia
14 March 2014
[PDF 743 KB]

Submission on Australian Government Energy White Paper
7 February 2014
[DOCX 272 KB]

Submission Responding To Draft EPBC Act Referral Guidelines for the Vulnerable Koala
7 February 2014
[DOCX 239 KB]

ANEDO submission on streamlining of environmental approvals for offshore petroleum
20 December 2013
[PDF 373 KB]

Submission on NSW Assessment Bilateral Agreement (delegating federal EPBC Act powers)
18 December 2013
[PDF 665 KB]

ANEDO submission on the Qld assessment bilateral agreement
6 December 2013
[PDF 240 KB]

Letter to Minister Hunt on Environmental Standards
18 November 2013
[DOCX 496 KB]

Submission to the Productivity Commission on Access to Justice Arrangements
12 November 2013
[PDF 593 KB]

ANEDO Sub to Productivity Commission Draft Report Major Projects Assessment
20 September 2013
[PDF 1 MB]

Submission on Strategic assessment by NOPSEMA terms of reference
13 September 2013
[PDF 508 KB]

ANEDO submission EPBC water trigger Draft Significant Impact Guidelines
July 2013
[PDF 270 KB]

Submission to the Senate Inquiry into the impacts on health of air quality in Australia
8 March 2013
[DOCX 248 KB]

Submission on the Draft National Harmonised Regulatory Framework for Coal Seam Gas 2012   
28 February 2013
[DOCX 148 KB]

Environmental Water Recovery Strategy for the Murray-Darling Basin (Recovery Strategy)
28 February 2013
[DOCX 99 KB]

Submission on Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Retaining Federal Approval Powers) Bill 2012
18 January 2013
[PDF 389 KB]

Submission on Draft Framework of Standards for Accreditation of Environmental Approvals under the EPBC Act 1999
23 November 2012
[DOCX 270 KB

Submission on Water Amendment (Water for the Environment Special Account) Bill 2012
8 November 2012
[DOCX 240 KB]

Submission on review of Commonwealth Fisheries Management Legislation
2 November 2012
[DOCX 240 KB]

Submission on Water Amendment (Long Term Average Sustainable Diversion Limit Adjustment) Bill 2012
October 2012
[DOCX 225 KB]

Submission on Renewable Energy Target Review
14 September 2012
[DOCX 245 KB]

Submission on the Australian Heritage Strategy Public Consultation Paper
15 June 2012
[PDF 182 KB]

Submission on Productivity Commission Draft Report: Barriers to Effective Climate Change Adaptation
8 June 2012
[PDF 259 KB]

COAG Environmental Reform Agenda: ANEDO Response - In Defence of Environmental Laws
May 2012
[PDF 205 KB]

Consultation paper – A new scheme for assistance with disbursements
14 May 2012
[PDF 205 KB]

Inquiry into the Environment Protection & Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Coal Seam Gas and large Coal Mining Development) Bill 2012
26 April 2012
[PDF 44 KB]

Submission on the proposed Murray-Darling Basin Plan
16 April 2012
[PDF 1.3 MB]

Submission on the Draft Energy White Paper
16 March 2012
[PDF 246 KB]

Submission on the Issues Paper for a National Energy Savings Incentive
27 February 2012
[PDF 268 KB]

Submission on the Coral Sea Commonwealth marine reserve proposal
27 February 2012
[PDF 221 KB]

Submission on the Commonwealth marine reserves network proposal and draft Marine Bioregional Plan for the Temperate East Marine Region
21 February 2012
[PDF 271 KB]

Revised ANEDO submission on the Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Amendment (Protecting Australia’s Water Resources) Bill 2011

31 January 2012
[PDF 213 KB]

Follow-up Inquiry into the Illegal Logging Prohibition Bill 2011
19 January 2012
[PDF 190 KB]


Submission to the Senate Inquiry into the Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Amendment (Emergency Listings) Bill 2011

15 December 2011
[PDF 153 KB]

Submission on Light Vehicles CO2 Emissions Standards for Australia
30 November 2011
[PDF 164 KB]

ANEDO submission on the Draft EPBC Act Environmental Offsets Policy
21 Oct 2011
[PDF 151 KB]

Submission to Expert Panel on the Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in the Australian Constitution
29 Sep 2011
[PDF 234 KB]

ANEDO Submission Inquiry into Australia’s Clean Energy Future
22 Sep 2011
[PDF 200 KB]

ANEDO Submission on the Clean Energy Legislative Package
22 Aug 2011
[PDF 294 KB]

ANEDO Submission to the House of Representatives Committee Inquiry into Australia’s biodiversity in a changing climate
5 Aug 2011
[PDF 510 KB]

ANEDO submission on the positive and negative lists for the Carbon Farming Initiative
8 July 2011
[PDF 132 KB]

Submission to the Administrative Review Council on Judicial Review in Australia – Consultation Paper
1 July 2011
[PDF 267 KB]

Submission on the Exposure Draft and Explanatory Memorandum of the Illegal Logging Prohibition Bill
6 May 2011
[PDF 153 KB]

Submission to the Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee Inquiry into the Carbon Farming Initiative Bills
8 April 2011
[PDF 167 KB]

Submission on the Product Stewardship Legislation Bill 2011
8 April 2011
[PDF 100 KB]

ANEDO Submission on the Productivity Commission's Draft Research Report – Performance Benchmarking of Australian Business Regulation: Planning, Zoning and Development Assessments
1 April 2011
[PDF 159 KB]

Submission to Senate inquiry into Provisions of the Water Act 2007
24 Mar 2011
[PDF 174 KB]

Submission on: Our Cities – building a productive, sustainable and liveable future, 2010 Discussion Paper
3 March 2011
[PDF 159 KB]

Submission on the draft Government response to the Report of the Montara Commission of Inquiry
25 Feb 2011
[PDF 184 KB]

Submission on Better Regulation of Agricultural & Veterinary Chemicals Discussion Paper
4 Feb 2011
[PDF 147 KB]

Submission on the Design of the Carbon Farming Initiative
21 Jan 2011
[PDF 156 KB]

Submission on the Inter-departmental Task Group Discussion Paper – A Cleaner Future For Power Stations
24 Dec 2010
[PDF 138 KB]

Submission on the Product Stewardship Legislation Consultation Paper
December 2010
[PDF 103 KB]

Submission on the Guide to the proposed Murray-Darling Basin Plan
December 2010
[PDF 222 KB]

Submission on the Discussion Paper: Treatment of voluntarily purchased renewable energy in the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting System
10th September 2010
[PDF 152 KB]

Submission on the Prime Minister's Task Group on Energy Efficiency Issues Paper
3 May 2010
[PDF 141 KB]

ANEDO Submission on Enhancing the Renewable Energy Target Discussion Paper
14 April 2010
[PDF 187 KB]

ANEDO Submission on Australia's Native Vegetation Framework – Consultation Draft
31 March 2010
[PDF 159 KB]

Native Vegetation Laws, Greenhouse Gas Abatement and Climate Change Measures
10 March 2010
[PDF 159 KB]

Discussion Paper 4 – Treatment of new waste coal mine gas power generation in the RET and Discussion Paper 5 – the treatment of ‘Solar Credits” Renewable Energy Certificates under the RET
28 January 2010
[PDF 151 KB]

ANEDO Submission on the Development of Sustainable Diversion Limits for the Murray-Darling Basin
23 Dec 2009
[PDF 132 KB]

Review of Food Labelling Law and Policy
20 November 2009
[PDF 276 KB]

Strategic Framework for Access to Justice in the Federal Civil System
13 November 2009
[PDF 118 KB]

ANEDO Submission on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984
9 November 2009
[PDF 215 KB]

Further comments on EPBC interim report
28 August 2009
[PDF 129 KB]

ANEDO Submission to the Inquiry into the Access to Justice (Civil Litigation Reforms) Amendment Bill 2009
8 Sep 2009
[Available from the Senate Committee website]

Submission to the 10 year review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 – interim report
10 August 2009
[PDF 225 KB]

ANEDO Submission on the Discussion Papers for the National Energy Policy Framework
29 May 2009
[PDF 247 KB]

ANEDO Submission to the Privacy and FOI Policy Branch, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
22 May 2009
[PDF 195 KB]

ANEDO Submission on Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee Inquiry into Access to Justice
4 May 2009
[PDF 225 KB]

ANEDO Submission on the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme - draft exposure legislation
14 April 2009
[PDF 264 KB]

ANEDO Submission on the investment of Commonwealth and State funds in public passenger transport infrastructure and services
March 2009
[PDF 158 KB]

ANEDO Submission on the draft National Carbon Offset Standard
6 March 2009
[PDF 222 KB]

Submission on the Renewable Energy Target scheme - exposure draft legislation
13 February 2009
[PDF 225 KB]

Submission to the 10 year review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
January 2009
[PDF 568 KB]

ANEDO Submission on the Water Amendment Bill 2008
14 Nov 2008
[Available from the Senate Committee website]

ANEDO EPBC Act Submission 
30 September 2008
[Available from the Senate Committee website]

Submission on the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Green Paper
10 September 2008
[html] [PDF 232 KB]

Submission to the Inquiry into the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment (Feed in Tariff) Bill 2008
13 August 2008
[PDF 120 KB]

Submission to the Senate Inquiry into the Offshore Petroleum Amendment (Greenhouse Gas Storage) Bill 2008 & 3 related Bills
12 August 2008
[html] [PDF 232 KB]

Submission to the Inquiry into the implementation, operation and administration of the Legislation underpinning carbon sink forests
31 July 2008
[html] [PDF 204 KB]

Submission to the COAG Working Group on Climate Change and Water – Design Options for the Expanded National Renewable Energy Target Scheme
30 July 2008
[html] [PDF 155 KB]

Submission on the draft Offshore Petroleum Amendment (Greenhouse Gas Storage) Bill
27 June 2008
[html] [PDF 241 KB]

Submission on the National Aviation Policy Statement Issues Paper - 27 June 2008
[html] [PDF 207 KB]

Submission on the Inquiry into climate change and environmental impacts on coastal communities - 7 June 2008
[PDF 805 KB]

Submission on the Garnaut Climate Change review – Emissions Trading Scheme Discussion Paper - 18 April 2008
[html] [PDF 231 KB]

Submission on the Garnaut Climate Change review – Interim Report to the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments of Australia - 11 April 2008
[PDF 373 KB]

Submission on the Garnaut Climate Change Review – Issues Paper 4 Research and Development: Low Emissions Energy Technologies - 11 April 2008
[html] [PDF 257 KB]

EPBC Act: Recommendations for Reform - 5 March 2008
[html] [PDF 171 KB]

Submission on the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting System Regulations Policy Paper 2008 - 27 February 2008
[html ] [PDF 116 KB]

Submission to the ACCC on the Issues Paper: The Trade Practices Act and carbon offset claims - 15 February 2008
[PDF 144 KB]

Submission on the Use of environmental offsets under the EPBC Act 1999 - Discussion Paper - 3 December 2007
[PDF 174 KB]

Submission on the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting System Regulations Discussion Paper 2007 - 23 November 2007
[PDF 102 KB]

Submission on the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Bill 2007 - 27 August 2007
[html ] [PDF 154 KB]

Submission on the Water Bill 2007 - 9 August 2007
[PDF 54 KB]

Submission on Prime Minister's Task Group on Emissions Trading: Issues Paper - 7 March 2007

Submission regarding the Possible Design for a National Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme - 22 December 2006
[html ] [PDF 260 KB]

Submission on the Environment and Heritage Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2006 - 27 October 2006
[PDF 290 KB]

Submission on the National Pollutant Inventory NEPM Variation - 15 September 2006

Inquiry into Australia's national parks, conservation reserves and marine protected areas - 1 March 2006

Review of the Gene Technology Act 2000 - 15 July 2005
[PDF 371 KB]

The new law governing genetically modified organisms

Drafting Instructions for Amendment to the Gene Technology Bill 2000
[contact the EDO]

EDO Network submission on Consultation Paper for the possible Greenhouse Trigger under the EPBC Act 1999 - Feb 2000

EDO Submission to Senator Hill on regulations under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
[contact the EDO]

EDO Submission on Draft Bilateral Agreements under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
[contact the EDO]

EDO Network submission on Consultation Paper issued by Environment Australia: “Regulations and Guidelines  under the EPBC Act 1999” - Nov 1999 

Inquiry on Progress with Implementation of the Tasmanian Regional Forest Agreement (1997): Comment on Draft Recommendations Report
[contact the EDO]


Commonwealth laws and policy - general

NEW! Supplementary Submission on Draft Productivity Commission report into Access to Justice Arrangements
11 July 2014
[PDF 289 KB]

Submission on review of the Freedom of Information Act 1982
7 December 2012
[DOCX 844 KB]

ANEDO Submission to Expert Panel on the Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait People in the Australian Constitution
29 Sep 2011
[PDF 234 KB]

ANEDO Submission to the National Human Rights Consultation
15 June 2009
[PDF 404 KB]

ANEDO Submission on the review of Australia's Future Tax System
29 April 2009
[PDF 282 KB]

Australia-US Free Trade Agreement

Submission on the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement to the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties inquiry - April 2004
[PDF 199 KB]

Inquiry into the definition of charities and related organisations - Sep 2003
[PDF 228 KB]

EDO Network Submission to the Senate Inquiry into disposal of Australian Defence Organisation properties - Feb 2001
[contact the EDO]

EDO Network Submission to Inquiry into the provisions of the Corporate Code of Conduct Bill 2000, December 2000
[contact the EDO]



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